day, but ignorance within the very field of Frankly, the homosexual public demands specialization one professes to be serving that the Foundation, and all others, exhibit cannot be so easily dismissed. How, for at least some vestigial traces of scientific instance, can one regard Dr. Henry's quite method, else they must be classed as mere unsupported assumption that a group of busy bunglers, assiduously deepening public homosexuals must perforce be dangerous confusion and misunderstanding of one of the both to themselves and to society? Or his great social issues of the day. statement that, "As a general policy. The time has long since passed when it seems wise to force homosexuals into a speculation, folk-lore and old wive's tales will world peopled by others than the group suffice. Nor does the homosexual public toitself"? Why? What classes of "others" would day grasp with tear-filled eye just any Dr. Henry prescribe, under what conditions outstretched hand. The same rigorous inof control? And what end result does he tellectual integrity, the same objective apthereby postulate? proach is mandatory in the study of homoOne waits with considerable interest a sexuality as with other questions, and the documentation of Dr. Henry's sweeping imfindings will be subjected to the same severeputation of, "the lack of discipline and selfly merciless scrutiny. A decent respect for discipline." Does this include all homosexuals, human dignity alone forbids any other attior just males? Perhaps reference is made tude.

to homosexuals coming under the FoundaFailure to comply with this rule can have tion's observation in New York City. But, but one result today: The dire penalty of alas, must we not then be told something being laughed out of court by the healthy, of their ages, their social, financial and edufearless laughter of an emancipated, freecational status? thinking homosexual public.


Dishonor Before Death, Son!


W. L.

it. This idea of moral unfitness seems whimNot long ago the Department of Justice sical in view of the fact that the Army reallowed one of its officials to state that it cently inaugurated a "buddy" system so was "unbelievable what some young men similar to the ancient Greek pattern that do to avoid the draft". He said that alarmsome of us conservative old soldiers have ingly large numbers of young potential fightno choice but to shudder. ers even go so far as to let themselves be classified as "morally unfit" for military service. Some brazenly claim that they are sex deviates and, if that's not sufficient, get themselves involved with the police to prove

The Less Inscrutable Orient

Just about the time the intimate secrets of the local female were being rudely inveiled by our favorite Indiana iconoclast, the Far East was getting a similar jolt. Dr. Tets

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